Conquering My Insomnia Caused by Worry and Stress: A Multi-Pronged Approach to Regaining Deep Sleep Part 2 of 2

A Holistic Approach to Overcoming Insomnia: Combining Therapy, Mindfulness, and Lifestyle Changes

Coach Christina

4/26/20242 min read

dog sleeping on bed
dog sleeping on bed

A Holistic Approach to Overcoming Insomnia: Combining Therapy, Mindfulness, and Lifestyle Changes

My first step in my healing journey was starting therapy. Being able to unload my burdens on someone WITHOUT the worry of burdening THEM was absolutely liberating. All through the pandemic I avoided voicing any of my worries to family or friends as I did not want to add myself to their worries. A therapist is literally paid so you can brain dump on them. And my brain needed so much dumping.

Next I needed to break the vicious cortisol cycle. I began using the Calm App for guided breathing. Studies have shown that even just 60-90 seconds of deep, mindful breathing can break the cycle of cortisol build up in your body and lower cortisol levels significantly. Throughout the day, such as during meals and when I was brushing my teeth, I would take 5-10 deep breaths. By linking this new habit with other established habits in my daily routine meant I remembered to do it. AND by lowering my cortisol levels, I replenished my capacity to deal with the external stressors of life. For example, when my child barges in my room yelling “Mom, mom, mom!”. Now that my cortisol levels are lower, instead of reacting, becoming irritated and yelling at them, which increases THEIR cortisol levels … I take a breath, smile and ask “How can I help you?”

The other medical professional I sought was my acupuncturist. With the combination of acupuncture treatments, prescribed herbs and massage therapy, I was really starting to catch some ZZZ’s. I noticed that my mindset had a major shift. I started to prioritize ME. I started to come to the realization that what I learned as a kid from my mom, to sacrifice, sacrifice and sacrifice for others and loved ones does NOT work. Instead, I came to realize that, if I really cared and loved the people in my life, I MUST prioritize myself so that I can give them my BEST self.

Once I started getting some serious ZZZ’s, I took a good long look at my eating habits. I am the first to admit that I stress eat. Despite the initial hit of feeling good after eating all that processed junk food, it didn’t make my body feel good at all. So, I started small by increasing my vegetable and fiber intake to help me purge all the yuckiness that’s been building up. While I didn’t cut meat out of my diet, I did reduce the amount in general, especially red meat. I did replace it with plant-based protein. I would say that I’m still in this part of my journey and it has become more than just about sleep. When it comes to diet and nutrition, I’m still transforming my relationship with food. (And that’s a whole other blog entry!)

I now consistently get a good night of QUALITY sleep. Maintaining new habits that I have built and remembering to prioritize ME has been essential in making sure that I have excellent sleep hygiene. This has allowed me to be at my best for myself and all the people in my life.

Task: Are you ready to make your sleep a priority? Choose something to try that will be your first step towards better sleep. A life coach can help you stick to your new habits for your well being.